April 05, 2023
Most people struggle to meet the recommended “2 and 5” in a day. In fact only 6.1% of Aussie adults meet the recommended daily intake of fruit and veggies1.
But it's not just the number of serves, but the variety of plants we eat that is important. Many health professionals recommend we aim for 30 different plant foods every week.
The more diversity we have in our diet, the greater the range of nutrients are available to us. And, the more variety we develop in our friendly gut bacteria to keep our microbiome humming. A healthy, diverse microbiome supports a strong immune system, increases our resilience to infection, strengthens our intestinal barrier, balances our blood sugar and helps prevent disease.
It takes time and energy (planning/scrolling, list-writing, grocery shopping, prepping…) to get a true variety of plants in our diet.
23 different plant foods, prepped and pressed into six jars of freshly cold-pressed juice. That's just one day of our Classic Cleanse. Find our more and see the full list of plant ingredients here.
Delivered to your home or office four days a week.
Drink these and you've got more than 75% of your plant varieties done and dusted for the week.
1 National Health Survey 2020-21 ABS